Suite à la Journée de la Communauté Française des Docteurs du 6 juillet 2018, une table ronde proposée par l’ANDès et l’ANDès Toulouse pour l’European Science Forum, ESOF 2018, aura lieu le mardi 10 juillet de 13h30 à 14h45. Cette table ronde en anglais sera menée sur la problématique : La mobilité sectorielle ou disciplinaire est-elle la clé pour promouvoir les carrières des docteurs ?
Following the Journée de la Communauté Française des Docteurs (meeting of the French community of doctorate holders), on July 6th, 2018, a round table is organized by ANDès and ANDès Toulouse during ESOF 2018, the European Science Forum, about the following issue: Is sectoral and disciplinary mobility the key to promote PhD careers?
The PhD degree is originally dedicated to research, generating geographical mobility through research team partnerships, fellowships and career opportunities. However, PhD mobility is not only geographical, it is also disciplinary (via transferable skills promoted by the PhD) and sectoral (academy/industry, research/functions, business creation, etc…). Several programs exist to stimulate mobility during PhDs’ careers, even though major variations can be observed across Europe. The proposed roundtable will focus on sector (private or public) and field (R&D or not) specificities, and their attractiveness for PhDs. The guest speakers will discuss the factors encouraging mobility and their influence on careers. Thus questions dealing with disciplinary and sectoral mobility will be addressed. For example, what makes positions more attractive, leading PhDs to switch their expertise field? How are seen PhD degrees accross European countries? What motivates a PhD to switch from industry to academy and vice versa during his/her career? How do Human Resources recognize the added value of a PhD, all along his/her career? Is mobility required to add value to PhDs after several years of experience?
Guest speakers:
- Dr Barbara GHINELLI – STFC
- Dr Erna KARALIJA – University of Sarajevo
- Dr Katie WHEAT – Vitae
- Dr Sébastien RUL – Public Investment Bank (BPI)
- Dr Karen VANDEVELDE – Ghent University
Moderator: Dr Christine DUTHOIT (ANDès Toulouse)